বিএসসিআই এর ট্রেনিং ।

জীবনে কিছু কিছু দিনের স্মৃতি সত্যিই ভোলা যায়না ।



শুভ জন্মদিন

তোমার জীবনের ছোট্ট ছোট্ট সময়গুলোকে আনন্দের রং লাগিয়ে স্বরনীয় করে রাখতে চেষ্টা করছি । যা সেদিন তোমাকে মনে করিয়ে দেবে যে, এই আমি তোমাকে কতটা গুরুত্ব দিতাম । যেইদিন আমি তোমার জায়গায়..আর তুমি আমার জায়গায় থাকবে।

সোনার গাঁও

কোন কোন মানুষ জীবনে খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ন হয়ে যায় । কোন কোন দিনও সারাজীবন মনে থেকে যায় । সেরকম একটি দিন ছিল যেদিন এই ছবিটা তুলেছিলাম ।

মন খারাপ ? ছবিগুলো দেখো ভালো হয়ে যাবে !

মন খারাপ ? ছবিগুলো দেখো ভালো হয়ে যাবে !

ওয়াও কি সুন্দর চুল !

ওয়াও, কি সুন্দর চুল !

ধর্ষণের আনন্দের চিত্‍কার

অ্যালফোনসো কুয়রোঁ (পরিচালক)
"আমি আমার ধর্ষণের আনন্দের চিত্‍কারটা তোমার জন্য তুলে রেখেছি "
 জেনিফার লরেন্স


Congratulation of Happy Birth Day

Dear Mr. Khokon,

Wish you a Happy Birthday !  I hope that you have a great year and accomplish all the fabulous goals you have set. May the coming years be filled with happiness, peace, and love. Have a Great day ahead .

Md. Abdus Salam

চলো বিয়ে করি ?

বিয়েটা শুধু দুটি মানুষের মধ্যে বেড শেয়ার করা আর চার দেয়ালের মধ্যে সীমাবদ্ধ নয় বিয়েটা  হলো হাজারও ফর্মালিটিস আর দুজনের শত শত অমিলগুলো মেনে চলা ।  নিজের একান্ত চাওয়া পাওয়াগুলো কবর দেয়া ।  তারপর একসময় এসব মেনে নিয়ে একজনের জন্য কম্প্রমাইস করে চলা, তারপর ধীরে ধীরে.......... ।  

কিংবা ঘরের মাঝের ঘরগুলো ধীরে ধীরে ভেঙ্গে যায় যা বাইরে থেকে বোঝা যায়না ।  আমরা বাইরে থেকে শুধু চার দেয়ালের ঘরটাকেই দেখি   প্রতিদিন যে তার ভেতর কত ঘর ভাংছে হয়ত বাইরে থেকে কেউ বুঝতেও পারেনা  

আবার হয়ত কেউ কেউ ভাঙ্গা জিনিসের  সাথে জীবনের তুলনা করে দুজন সারাজীবনের মত আলাদা হয়ে যায়   কিন্তু কখনো ভাবেনা ভাঙ্গা ভাঙ্গা মেঘগুলোও এক সময় জোড়া লেগে একটা বড় মেঘ কিংবা একটা বড় আকাশ হয়ে যায়  

আসলে জীবনকে আমরা দূর থেকে দেখি, তাই অনেক সময় সত্যিটা দেখতে পাইনা খুব কাছ থেকে দেখলে আসল সত্যিটা দেখতে পাই   তখন জীবনকে সুন্ধর করে সাজানো যায়   আমরা যখন সাগরের তীরে  দাড়াই তখন মনে হয় দুরের সাগর আর আকাশ একসাথে মিশে আছে ।  আসলে সাগর আর আকাশ কি কখনো একসাথে মিশে ? কাছে গেলে দেখা যায় সাগর আর আকাশ কত দুরে ।  আমাদের জীবনটাকে আমরা দূর থেকে উপলপ্ব্ধি করি, তাই সত্যিটা বুঝতে পারিনা জীবনকে বুজতে হলে জীবনের ভেতরে প্রবেশ করতে হয় , কাছ থেকে দেখতে হয় ! 

কারণ আমাদের আশপাশে ও কাছে অনেক মূল্যবান জিনিস আছে, কাছ থেকে উপলবদ্ধি করলে কিংবা কাছের জিনিসগুলো আকড়ে ধরলে মুল্য বোঝা যায়   আবার মাঝে মাঝে ওই জিনিসগুলো ইস্ছা  করে লুকিয়ে রেখে নিজের মনকে প্রশ্ন করলে, তার প্রয়োজন বোঝা যায়   আমরা  অনেক সময় না বুঝে ভুল পথে চলতে শুরু করি  কিংবা কাছের অমুল্য জিনিস  ছেড়ে দুরের মূল্যহীন জিনিসটাকে আকড়ে ধরার চেষ্টা করি, তখন হোচট খাই ভুল পথে হারিয়ে যাই ।  হয়ত কেউ কেউ নিজের চেষ্টায়  সেই ভুল পথ থেকে আবার ফিরে আসতে পারে, কেউ কেউ হারিয়ে যায় চিরতরে।  

আজকাল মানুষ যেভাবে কর্পোরেট দুনিয়ায় চলতে শুরু করেছে, তাতে মনে হয় সেদিন আর বেশি দুরে নয় যেদিন বিবাহ শব্দটা জাদুঘরে সাজানো আসবাবপত্রের পাশে স্থান পাবে একদিন আমরা ভুলেই যাব বিবাহ নামে একটা সম্পর্ক ছিল, হতে পারে , হওয়া উচিত !

Various Letter

Appreciation Letter

Dear (Name of the candidate),

I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your very active involvement _________(Reason) . The Chairman and Board Members have also asked me to pass on their sincere appreciation for your efforts in supporting us with the undertaking.

Again, thanks so much for your enthusiastic participation in our conference. I have no doubt that it would not have been the success that it was without your presence.

Best Regards,

_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature)


Rejection Letter

Dear (Name of the candidate)
I regret to inform you that your recent application for the Head of Security position at __(Name of the company) was unsuccessful.

Although you met all of the mandatory minimum qualifications for the position, the Interview Board chose a candidate with considerably more experience than you currently possess and also whose skill set Matches closely with the current profile we are looking at . I am  here to convey thanks for your candidacy .
On behalf of ____(Company name) I thank you for your interest and effort, and I wish you all the best in your future career endeavors.

_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature)

 Apology Letter

Dear (Name of the candidate)

The purpose of this is to convey to you my sincere apologies for any inconvenience you may have experienced last month with respect to ____(Cause of Inconvenience). We continue to be committed in reaching your expectations. Once again , Let me convey my sincere apologies concerning this and also would see to it that this would not happen in future .

_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature)

Appointment For Interview

Dear (recipient’s name),

Thank you for your application regarding the position of (job title) at (company). We are impressed with your qualifications and would like to meet with you to have a round of Discussion . Please come down to our office and take an interview any time between __ A.M to __ P.M .  Should you have any queries ,please feel free to call me _____(Mob Num) and reach me at (your Email ID) .

We look forward to meet you soon at our Office.

Best Regards,

_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature

New Employee Introduction

Hi All

Please extend your warmest welcome to (name). (name) will be heading up our (department) division and is excited to begin in this capacity. He comes to us with more than (number) years in…(Industry) . She would be reached at (Corporate Email ID). Request one and all to extend your warm look upon her .

Best Regards,

_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature


Extending Job Offer

Dear (recipient’s name),

We are delighted to have you be a part of (company). As discussed in your interview, we are offering you the position of (job title) your starting salary will be ___ per Year. The Break-up for the same will be provided on your Date of Joining Please acknowledge your Interest as a reply to this Email and Mention us your Date of Joining .

An Early response to the same is highly appreciated.  Look forward to have a amiable Association with you .

_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature .

Birthday Congratulations

Dear (recipient’s name)

Wish you a Happy Birthday ! We hope that you have a great year and accomplish all the fabulous goals you have set. May the coming years be filled with happiness, peace, and love.Have a Great day ahead .


_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature

HIKE Letter

Dear Employee,

We are glad to inform you that your CTC/salary is being revised to __________________. The break up of the same is as follows:

Flexi Benefit Plan:
PF Contrbution:

The other terms and conditions of the appointment remains the same. Looking forward for a greater performance.

_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature


HIKE Letter II

Dear Employee,

We take this opportunity to thank you for your contribution towards(Name of the company)_________________performance in (Year)_______. Your efforts towards helping the company achive its strategic goals are appreciated.

Your performance for the year _______ has __________ and has been evaluated as ___(Rating). Consequently, your annural compensation has been enhanced as shown below wef ________.


Fixed Cash Component(A)
Flexible Benefit Pan(FBP)
Provident Fund(PF)
Cost to Company
VariableCash Component(B)
Performance Bonus
Other Allowances(D)
Total Yearly Compensation (A+B+C+D)
Group Term Life Insurance
Group Personal Accident Insurance
Group Mediclaim Insurance

We look forward to your continued contribution that would enable us to work together as a team and scale grater heights in the coming years.

We wish you all th best for your future endeavours and contributions to our organization.


Dear Mr. /Ms,

We are very happy to inform you that you have been promoted as (designation)with effect from (due date). In accordance we hereby revise your Gross Salary as Rs    /-.Other terms and Conditions remain the same as per the appointment letter.

Kindly sign and return the duplicate of this letter as a token of your acceptance of the above terms and conditions.

With best wishes,

_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature


To Whomsoever it may concern

This is to confirm that Ch.Sudheer is working in (Company) as (Designation) . As per the company’s record, His services were effective since (Date of Joining) . Also would want to confirm the current address of (Name of the Employee) as  “ put the Adressas per company’s Employee Records .


Human Resources
_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature



It is reported against you as under:

  1. That on______(date) at about________(time) while on duty, you in combination with others, deliberately slowed down the work in a concerted manner and instigated Mr.B & C to adopt ‘go slow’ tactics. You further threatened Mr. D who did not want to follow the suit.

  1. That while you prior production was_____ per day, your production on ________ and thereafter has been deliberately brought down to______ which is much below the normal production of a worker of average efficiency.

  1. That the above acts/omissions on your part are highly objectionable being prejudicial to the interest of the company, which has to compete with other efficiently run enterprises.

  1. That despite repeated advice not to adopt to ‘go slow’ tactics, by your superior/superiors, you did not adhere to the actual norms of production, you have been maintaining earlier but instead, kept on idling away your time.

  1. As a result of your ‘Go Slow’ tactics and instigating others to slow down the work/production has considerably gone down, resulting into loss to the company.

  1. The above acts on your part constitute major misconduct under certified standing orders no.______ and no._____ of the company applicable to you.

You are hereby required to submit your explanation, if any to this charge-sheet within 3 days from its receipt failing which it will be presumed that you have no explanation to offer and the management will be free to take any action that may be deemed proper in you case.





This has reference to the charge sheet dated_________ issued to you & enquiry held thereafter. We have duly considered the report of the enquiry officer and are satisfied that the charges as leveled against you have been proved against you in the enquiry.

In view of the serious nature of misconduct committed by you & fully proved against you, it has been decided to dispense with your services. However, on compassionate grounds considering extenuating and aggravating circumstances, the management, instead of dismissing you from services has decided to impose lesser punishment of discharge on you with immediate effect from____________

Your final payment of dues including wages for 1 month in lieu of notice will be made to you in the office on or before____________ during office hours on any working day after you hand over the charge.

Manager/ Competent Authority

                                                    ORDER OF DISMISSAL


We have received the enquiry report that was held on_______________ against you consequent to the charge sheet dated______________. After going through the proceedings of the enquiry, we find that the charges have been proved against you.

Since the charge (s) committed by you is/are of serous nature, the appropriate punishment is dismissal from service. You are therefore, hereby dismissed from service with effect from ____________ you can collect your dues, if any, and settle your account on any working day during the office hours from Accounts Department.

Manager/ Authorised person with designation

C.C : – The Accounts Deptt. for information if necessary action.



Your past conduct and service records reveal that you have no initiative or sense of responsibility. Frequently, you have stayed away from duty & neglected your work. Time & again you were warned/ reprimanded but there has been no improvement. We tried our best to motivate you to take interest in the work & to observe regularity & punctuality but of no avail. You have been as careless as ever & have refused to perform your duties seriously. Your carelessness has not caused the work to suffer but it is also likely to effect the discipline among other members of the staff.

Under circumstances we are of the concerned opinion that the post held by you entails greater responsibility that you can shoulder as you lack necessary initiative, which is required for the post. Therefore, we hereby give you 1-month notice to relieve you from the present post and instead assign you post of____________ with immediate effect from_______________. This post entails lesser responsibility & we feel that you will be able to perform your duty more satisfactorily in this capacity. However, you will be entitled to only those benefits and salary that the post caries.

We must also make it clear that if you fail to show marked improvement & continue to conduct yourself in the way you have been doing, we shall be constrained to dispense with your services after holding enquiry, if necessary.

Manager/Authorized person with designation

C.C: – The Accounts deptt for information & necessary action.

                                 ORDER OF WITHOLDING ANNUAL INCREMENT/(S)


In continuance of the charge sheet dated_____________ issued to you & the Enquiry held into the charges, this is to inform you that we were satisfied that you are found guilty of the charges leveled against you and severe punishment including dismissal/discharge can be inflicted upon you.

However, on going through your past record & considering the nature of the misconduct by you the undersigned decide that this time a milder punishment will meet the ends of justice. Therefore, it has been decided to withhold your annual increment for___________year/years.

During the period for which your annual increment is being withheld the management will watch your performance and conduct and if found satisfactory the grant of increment/ increments to you will be reconsidered on the expiry of the said period.

Manager/ Authorized person with designation

C.C: – The Accounts deptt for information  & necessary action.



This is in continuance of the charge-sheeted dated__________ issued to you & the enquiry held in pursuance thereof. As a result of the enquiry, the management is satisfied that the charges leveled against you amply proved.

On the bases of the charges proved against you, dismissal from service would be rather appropriate in the ordinary course but in consideration that this for the first time that you have been found guilty of the charge, the management decides to afford you an opportunity to improve yourself & instead of awarding the extreme penalty, impose upon you a fine of Rs._________ as punishment.

Manager/ Competent Authority

Date: -

C.C: – The Accounts Dept



Following are the charges against you:

Perusal of your attendance record reveals that you are in habit of absenting yourself from your duties without any information and proper sanction of leave. Your absentee spells are on an increase and your absentee record for the preceding ________years are reproduced hereunder.
MONTH                                            DATES                                    NO. OF DAYS OF
________                                        __________                            ________________
XXX                                                  XXX                                                XXX
XXX                                                  XXX                                                XXX

You have been verbally advised to improve you attendance record and not to indulge in unauthorized absence from duties. But despite these verbal advises/reprimands and assurance given by you, you have not shown any improvement in your attendance.

The above act of habitual absence on your part constituted major misconduct under certified standing orders of the company applicable to you and also affects the work of the company.

You are hereby required to submit your explanation, if any to this charge-sheet within 3 days from its receipt failing which it will be presumed that you have no explanation to offer and the management will be free to take any action that may be deemed proper in you case.

For _________________________

(Authorized Signatory)
" কিছু স্বপ্ন আকাশের দূর নীলিমাক ছুয়ে যায়, কিছু স্বপ্ন অজানা দূরদিগন্তে হারায়, কিছু স্বপ্ন সাগরের উত্তাল ঢেউ-এ ভেসে যায়, আর কিছু স্বপ্ন বুকের ঘহিনে কেদে বেড়ায়, তবুও কি স্বপ্ন দেখা থেমে যায় ? " সবার স্বপ্নগুলো সত্যি হোক এই শুভো প্রার্থনা!